The Value of Marriage and Moving The attached article from Peter Martin the The Sydney Morning Herals shows Australian research putting values on things like marriage. Interestingly men are more affected (positive and negative) than women. Moving home is worth $2,600 to a woman but ‘costs’ a man $16,000 (i.e. the psychic cost only). Well we’re moving home on Friday … Read More
Warren Buffett’s Diet
Warren Buffets Diet I loved this interview on the BBC with the daughter of billionaire investor Warren Buffett. He has the most amazing diet and loves living where he was born (as I do!) – in his case in Omaha.
Best Doctors
Best Doctors Yesterday we attended the launch of Best Doctors with MLC. If you take out a Critcal Illness policy with MLC, you (and your family) will have access to Best Doctors. You will have access globally to current medical specialists globally who are nominated by their peers. You can get answers to questions like: Is the diagnosis correct? What … Read More
Antony Beevor on Platoons (and me on Planning)
Antony Beevor on Platoons (and me on Planning) Antony Beevor, a British Military historian who has just written his new book “D-Day:The Battle for Normandy”. Beevor , in a fascinating profile for the book in The Weekend Australian review (August 15-16 by Peter Wilson) noted that: “within a platoon (30 men) a small handful actually do the fighting, a few … Read More
The Young Victoria
The Young Victoria Last night Glenys and I attended a preview of the movie The Young Victoria. I can thoroughly recommend it! Interestingly an executive producer was Lady Sarah Ferguson. The preview was a fundraiser for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation. Ovarian cancer has a high mortality rate as it is often detected too late. The foundation is focusing on … Read More
Blood Yesterday I gave blood at 301 Pirie St. The staff there were very pleasant and helpful. Even better, the volunteers will supply you with Free Food (my favourite kind of food) when you’re done.