Market Update January 2012

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Market Update January 2012

I’m pleased to present the first edition of Market Update for 2012.

With much of the news in last year’s editions of Market Update focusing on the developments in Europe around sovereign debt issues, it’s not surprising that Europe is again key to how sharemarkets in 2012 will play out.
While this uncertainty is bound to dictate news for the months ahead, it’s a little comforting to know that in other major economies, the outlook may be becoming more stable.

The recent news out of the US is that economic data is showing some positive signs around employment and manufacturing.

And despite the recent signs of slowing in China, the economy is holding up relatively well.

How Australia’s economy will fare in 2012 depends a lot on how our resources trade holds up with concerns over China and Europe.

As I’ve mentioned before, markets continue to remain uncertain in the short term, so remember to remain focused on your long-term goals.

If you’d like to discuss anything in this report please give my office a call.
And, don’t forget to enjoy the holiday period with family and friends.
Kind regards,
Steve Greatrex

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