Market Update July 2011
This month’s newsletter features an article by Ross Stanley – Senior Investment Analyst, ThreeSixty Research on the true value of investing in term deposits.
It poses some interesting questions and raises some important considerations on the value of term deposits in the current investment environment.
The newsletter also has all the usual key information to keep you up to date and informed about everything that’s been happening in the local and global economies and equity markets here and around the world including:
- what the rest of Europe is doing to help Greece’s ongoing debt dramas
- the continued acceleration of the German economy
- some positive news on Japan’s horizon, and
- the RBA’s decision to hold off on an increase in interest rates.
As a long-term investor, it’s important to keep in mind that we can probably expect to see more volatility as global markets work towards a sustained recovery.
If you’d like to discuss anything in this report please give my office a call.
Steve Greatrex 8274 3744