Recently Steve was profiled on the back page of IFA Magazine. Here is a copy of it.
LIC’s, ETF’s, and Managed Funds
Different Investment Vehicles Reading the financial press can be confusing for consumers – companies are using and promoting different investment vehicles. What are the main types of investment vehicles and what are their pros and cons? Managed Funds The most common investment vehicle in Australia is a Managed Fund (the US equivalent being a Mutual Fund). Most public superannuation funds … Read More
What is an Account Based Pension?
When one is looking at finishing up work and investing your money (the word ‘retirement’ has too many negative connotations), one of the finest tools available to us is the Account Based Pension. Formerly referred to as an Allocated Pension, it is also called other names; for example Sunsuper call it a Retirement Income Account. Use of the word ‘pension’, … Read More
Great Home Loans Rates and Cashback as at 10 September 2020
There are some great home loan interest rates available at the moment: 2.19% (Variable, Principal and Interest, Owner Occupied) 3.04% (Variable, Principal and Interest, Investment) 2.09% (2 Year Fixed, Principal and Interest, Owner Occupied) 2.39% (2 Year Fixed, Principal and Interest, Investment). Also we still have a $2,500 cashback offer for refinance.
Your ‘Retired’. What Now?
Clients come to see us primarily for financial advice. If retirement is approaching, we often talk about what they plan to do when they retire. It seems to me that many folk do not concern themselves enough with what they will do when they ‘retire’. Should You Retire? We are living longer than ever. When the first government aged pension … Read More
President Biden?
Recently I had dinner with a friend who follows US politics even closer than I do. And he reckons that Trump is going to win his second election. However most polls have Senator Biden winning. The Double Haters You may be aware that in the last Presidential election, Hilary Clinton was also winning in the polls – and lost. Many … Read More
Short Term Fixed Rate Loans Might be OK Just Now
I rarely recommend fixed rate loans, especially longer term loans. Several years ago we had a 5 year fixed rate home loan. When we sold our home and went to repay the loan, Big Bank hit us with $25k in costs. But it seems to me that one or two year fixed rate loans might be worth considering at the … Read More
Offshore Income for Loans
We now have a lender that can use income form New Zealand, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Please contact us for more information.